Building God’s House-- One Family, One Soul at a Time!

Advancing the Church, the Community and the Great Commission!


Mark 16:9–18 (NKJV)
What does it take to advanced the church, the community, and the great commission? Belief in the Gospel and the willingness to preach it to every creature. Dr. Stevens elaborates on these astounding concepts and why they are important!

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Previous Messages

Have You Been Filled with the Holy Spirit?

This morning's objective-That you will come to know the essentials of the person, purpose and presence of the Holy Spirit and that you will function in the practice, power and performance of the Holy Spirit! ....

Accessing God's Power

Healing is coming your way!

Peace is coming your way!

Breakthrough is coming your way... ALL in the Name of Jesus through fasting and prayer!

New Year Renewed You

Happy New Year's!  This morning… God wants a renewed you! To Renew?  To begin again, to recover, to reestablish; to make as if new again!  We look at Romans 12: 1-2 to learn of how to give God our very best in 2025... mind, body and soul... & Holy Spirit!

Dr. Stevens delivers an encouraging message on how God will provide for 2025 This is the year of increase, the year we start putting God first and receive blessings abundantly...
The end of the year is often a time of reflection and contemplation!  It is also a time to gear up and strategize for the next year...  This morning’s teaching objective… to teach the power of persistent prayer--You're gonna need it for 2025!!!
A Christmas Miracle

A Star?  A Savior?  A Small Group of Men?  The greatest miracle of all is that Jesus, the only and begotten Son of God became man, suffered, bled and died, however, three days later rose from the dead, defeating death itself—through the resurrection!

It's You I Want
Pastor Lowell James, delivers a message to inspire and encourage young adults.
Building a Consecrated Life

During our 12-Day Consecraiton, Join us on campus or online tonight at 7 pm TONIGHT for a very special and comprehensive teaching on FASTING and prayer!!  Give the Lord ONE hour of your time and attention and prepare for the Supernatural RESULTS!


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